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ASCM Editorial Guidelines

Share your knowledge

While ASCM values diverse perspectives, we primarily curate ASCM Insights blog articles from internal experts in order to provide relevant insights and analysis about evolving supply chain trends. Therefore, if your submission accepted, the typical lead time before publication is 6-9 months. When submitting an article, please ensure it conforms to the following guidelines.

Frequency of publication: Ongoing

Publishing lead time:  6-9 months. In some cases, the editors may choose to publish more quickly (for example, if we believe the topic is particularly timely). Occasionally, the lead time will be longer.

Author review: ASCM does not provide edited articles for author review. If major adjustments are required, the editors will contact you to discuss revisions. We will alter articles for clarity and adherence to ASCM editorial style. Submission confirms agreement with this policy.

Submission procedure: Send an email containing your article in Word or Google Docs to Do not send PDFs or links to online content. The article should be between 500 and 1,500 words. Include your name, title, company and a brief bio with a contact email.

Submission review: The ASCM editors strive to review articles within two weeks of submission.

Content strategies: Write in a personal, professional and direct tone. Your article should be globally focused and relevant to readers of diverse backgrounds. Avoid purely theoretical concepts; instead, focus on real-world cases, proven strategies and implementable techniques. Include how-to tips and resources to help readers apply the knowledge in their own organizations.

Payment: ASCM considers volunteer submissions vital to the advancement of the profession. Authors receive bylined credit and APICS certification maintenance points.

Copyright: All published material is copyrighted by ASCM.

Product endorsements: ASCM rejects articles that advertise a specific product or solution.